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4 Tips to Help Sell Your Home Using Energetics:

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Let's spill the tea

With my background in home staging, interior marketing, and interior decorating I have seen plenty of beautiful homes (and not so beautiful homes lol) get stuck on the market.

One of my tips is to personify your home. It has an energy and personality of its own, and it has been through a lot.

If you actually live your life in your home, your home has an energetic imprint of all that has taken place within and around its walls. The good, the bad and the ugly.

If you are looking to move onto the next chapter and sell your home there are some steps I recommend taking that go above and beyond; painting, decluttering and updating fixtures. Your home could use an energetic cleanse.

How do you do this?

Here are some top tips on where to start:

  1. Depersonalize. Your home has been your sanctuary for some time, but now you are choosing to move forward. Removing things that are personal to you is the first step to take your energy out of the home so that a new buyer can visualize themselves living there.

  2. First Impressions! You want your home to be welcoming to a new buyer. You can help with this by buying a fresh new welcome mat and making sure it has good curb appeal. I would compare this to a person getting ready for a job interview. You are going to make sure you are dressed to impress, look professional, well groomed and personable. Think of your home in the same way!

  3. Shift the Energy! Envision your energy leaving the home and the new buyers' (even if you don't know who they may be yet) energy entering the home. You're selling your home, you need to create the space energetically for the new buyer and that is not just physical/visible space. A homes energy can greatly affect how a buyer can feel in the space and it can become a make or break feeling.

  4. Thank Your Home. Moving can be stressful. A lot of times you may get lost in the fast pace of work, family, and packing. Take a moment to thank your home for all of the wonderful memories, the time you have spent there, the shelter it has given you, and the amazing new phase here to come!

If this feels like too much for you, these are just some of the exact things I help within the Refined Energy - Interior Alignment Consultations.


These energetic shifts can be done in person as well as virtually. These shifts are just as powerful from a distance because energy and vibrations are all connected through the entire universe, EVERYTHING is connected.

So whether you are selling your home, want a fresh energy in your current one, or would like to uplevel your professional space, making subtle shifts in the physical and non-physical within your space creates the magnetic pull for shifts within your life and draws in outcomes you desire.

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