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Create The Life You Desire Through Your Surroundings:

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you are not achieving the results in life you aspire to have?

You are doing all the things. You have the vision and know you are meant for more...but why is it not happening for you yet?

...the key word is YET.

You are meant to be all that you desire in this lifetime. That is why you even have the desires in the first place!

We are surrounded by beautiful opportunities for a better life, we just have to take action and do the things we deep down know we should.

I know that most people have fear of change or things not working out, or of not feeling safe or secure. But when we operate out of fear it only holds us back from our fullest and truest potential here on Earth.

This may seem like the generic, "you can do it!" speech. But the truth is that YOU CAN achieve anything you desire and more!

You must fully step into the mindset that you can and you will and you ARE already that version of yourself that has that thing, that relationship, that job, that lifestyle. You can have it once you get to the energetic vibration and mindset of the version of you that already has it.

So fake it 'til you make it? kind of...

You can chose at any moment to act, think, and BE the version of yourself that you truly desire to be. But first you need to take action and simply start.

If this seems overwhelming or too "woo woo" for you, know this:

Greatness does not happen unless we do great things & think great thoughts. You CAN be the greatest you!

Ask yourself: What does the greatest version of you think like? What do they act like? How do they show up in their relationships? What is a typical day for them?

If you want to shift your life and create lasting change you have to intermix BOTH a mindset shift and physical action.

This can be in many ways that resonate with you.

If you don't know where to start....start small.

Try this: Look around at the room you are in right now as you're reading this.

What is around you? What do you smell? How does being in this space make you feel?

Whatever your answer to those questions...know that it IS affecting you in more ways than you may be consciously aware of. Your surroundings matter and they affect you energetically which affects you mentally and even physically.

You can start creating the life you desire by surrounding yourself with more things that inspire you and up-level you!

How would the best version of you be living? What kinds of things would they surround themselves with?

Maybe you're in a coffee shop and you are feeling cozy & cool because of the soft music and café vibe... maybe you are in an office space that has bright lighting and lacks personality so you may be anxiously waiting to leave... or you may be at home where you feel safe & secure but there is clutter which is creating stagnant energy which prompts you to make the same choices and decisions every day.

Your surroundings are ALWAYS affecting your energy. You may be enjoying your space...but it can always get even better! Everything in life can!

What if you could rearrange things in a better way to create better flow of energy that inspires new fresh ideas? What if you could add some personal touches that will help up-level the positive energy in the space? There is SO much that can be shifted, big & small to make it a more special space to spend your time in.

Let's elevate your living experience and refine & align your space with an Interior Alignment Consultation

During this consult we will shift your space to elevate your mindset and in return, your life!

Contact me to BOOK your virtual consult now

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